Gemology Ratna Wearing Benefit How Gemstone Become Harmful

Gemology Ratna Wearing Benefit How Gemstone Become Harmful

Ratna Shastra, Gemology: There are 84 gems described in astrology but 9 main gems have been mentioned which have a special relation with the nine planets. Gemstones impact our lives through colors and waves. Gemstones are always worn on exposed parts of the body i.e. where there is maximum exposure to natural light, hence wearing it on the hand is considered more effective.

Today’s generation avoids wearing gems. The gemstone has been said to be effective not only religiously but also scientifically. Let us know how gems affect our body.

Why is gemstone important (Benefit of Gemstone)

The human body is made up of all five elements. It is said that just as a balanced diet helps in keeping the body completely healthy, similarly gems play an important role in keeping the natural elements of the body balanced. Keeps the seven chakras of the body awake. Gemstones help in removing negative energy and increasing positive energy. If the right gemstone is accepted as per the proper procedure then it protects the person from the ill effects of the planets.

Gemstones are beneficial as well as harmful.

Just as taking the wrong medicine for a disease has side effects, similarly wearing the wrong gemstone or wearing it in the wrong way can cause harm instead of benefits. A mistake related to a gemstone can become a problem for you, hence do not wear a gemstone without the advice of astrologer.

Which gemstone is related to which planet (9 Ratna connection 9 Planet)

Sun’s Gemstone (Ruby) – Ruby is called the gem of the Sun. It is worn to remove the inauspiciousness of the Sun. If ruby ​​is harmed then headache and pain in bones starts.

Moonstone (Pearl) – Moon is the factor of mind, pearl is worn to get relief from mental stress. If the mental condition of people who are wearing a pearl starts deteriorating, then it means that the pearl is not working for you.

Gemstone of Mars (Coral) – It is said in astrology that to get relief from the inauspicious effects of Manglik Dosh on life, it is advised to wear coral for happiness and peace in marital life. If coral gets damaged then accidents and blood problems start happening.

Gemstone of Mercury (Emerald) – Emerald increases intelligence. Speech starts improving. Health remains good but if there are skin related problems or children suddenly oppose then the emerald should be removed. If it causes harm then the intellect also starts getting corrupted.

Gemstone of Jupiter (Yellow Topaz) – Yellow Topaz increases spirituality, financial happiness and prestige. Even if the planet Jupiter is debilitated in a person’s horoscope, he should not wear Topaz. This may cause loss of stomach and money.

Gemstone of Venus (Diamond) – The one who gets benefit from diamond remains prosperous, full of beauty and material happiness but if it causes harm then life comes on the path of destruction. Due to its inauspicious results the person becomes arrogant and drowns in debt.

Saturn’s Gemstone (Sapphire) – Sapphire is considered a very powerful gem, wearing it brings auspiciousness of Saturn. A person is capable of completing every task with the help of hard work, but if the sapphire is damaged then there is chaos in life.

Gemstone of Rahu (Onyx) – Onyx gemstone is worn to calm the pain of Rahu to some extent. Do not wear any gemstone without expert advice. When Onyx is harmed then problems like accident, blemish on reputation, serious illness etc. occur.

Gemstone of Ketu (Lahsuniya) – This is the gem of Ketu. If Ketu is favorable in the horoscope then only wear it on the advice of experts. Otherwise, skin disease or nervous system problem may occur.

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