Geneva Is Using Lake Water To Cool Buildings And Replace Air Conditioning

Geneva Is Using Lake Water To Cool Buildings And Replace Air Conditioning

Cooling With Lake Water: In the summer season, air conditioners are installed in the house, office etc. to keep the places cool. Of course, they cool inside the house, but they are very dangerous for the environment. It emits dangerous gases, which are responsible for global warming. Realizing the seriousness of this problem, a unique method is being adopted to cool the buildings in Geneva. Here water from the lake is being used instead of air conditioning to cool the buildings. Yes, and this is not only reducing the power consumption by 80%, but the ventilation is also not being harmed.

Cold water remains at the depth of the lake

The Swiss company SIG is pumping water from a depth of 45 meters into Europe’s largest alpine lake. The water temperature at this depth remains 7 to 8 degree Celsius. This water then passes through heat exchangers in local buildings, which absorb the heat of the buildings and cool them. Later the water is released back into the lake. Air conditioning system consumes a huge amount of energy every year. This process is eliminating the need for air conditioning. Due to which energy can also be saved.

The environment also benefits

Not only this, the buildings are also kept warm by the hot water system by adding a heat pump to this system in winter. This results in an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions. Currently, the system includes 50 buildings including the United Nations Headquarters, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations Refugee Agency.

40% of emissions come from buildings

By 2035, there is a plan to add 30 kilometers of new pipes in Geneva. This would reduce CO2 emissions by 70,000 tonnes per year, which is equivalent to the emissions of 7,000 homes. According to the World Economic Forum, buildings globally account for about 40 percent of environmental and energy emissions. To solve the problem, cooperation is needed from all sectors.

By 2018 the system proved so effective that it has since been extended to Geneva city center and seven municipalities. Some 50 buildings benefit from it and efforts are on to connect more than 350 buildings to the system by 2035.

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