Ghaziabad: RDC’s special place to spend time and eat with friends

Ghaziabad: RDC’s special place to spend time and eat with friends

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RDC Gaur Mall of Ghaziabad is special for spending time with friends and eating delicious food. Here the dishes of the country and abroad are found and there is peace between lush green trees.


This street of Ghaziabad RDC is special for people ..


  • RDC street of Ghaziabad is special for spending time with friends.
  • Tasty dishes of India and abroad are found here.
  • There is relaxing experience between green trees.

Ghaziabad: This street of RDC is very special for the people, especially to spend time with friends and eat delicious food. If you are bored at home and want to spend good time with friends and also want to enjoy new dishes, then the street of RDC Gaur Mall of Rajnagar’s RDC Gaur Mall is the perfect place for you.

Here you will find a lot of food stalls
In this street you will find a lot of food stalls where you will get the taste of not only Ghaziabad, but the special dishes in the country and abroad. Here you can gossip with friends by taking tea. And yes, if you want to buy clothes or any other goods, you can also shop from the mall in front.

Children come to play
People of all ages keep coming here from children to elders. There is a good place to walk here and there is peace. Children come to play and big people walk, so here it is bright throughout the day. Someone appears to be laughing with friends, while someone deal with office work and enjoys lunch in the open air with friends.

This street is surrounded by trees
Tired people from the office also come here and enjoy tea sips with their friends and remove the fatigue of the day. The day ends with laughter and joking and sour-sweet talk. This street with Gaur Mall is surrounded by green trees. After coming here, a different association with nature is felt. The space is also good to sit. It is my own fun to sit on the lap of nature and spend time with peace. Be it college students or office imploi, this place is perfect for everyone.


Ghaziabad RDC Street: RDC street special, special types to spend time with friends

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