‘Giant whale’ used to shatter ships, Hollywood film was made about it, shocking revelation made about it

‘Giant whale’ used to shatter ships, Hollywood film was made about it, shocking revelation made about it

You must have seen huge sharks causing havoc in Hollywood movies. In these Mega series films, these giant whales lived in the depths of the sea and no one knew about them. But they used to come suddenly and destroy big ships. Scientists had also been believing something similar about the huge size of this mega shark named Megalodon. Are. In new research, this notion has been declared fake.

Megalodon, which became extinct about 3.6 million years ago, was actually much thinner than it was shown in films, or as scientists had believed until now. The interesting thing is that this will not only change a lot about Megalodon, but will also change the story of marine animals.

Previous studies have shown that the length of Megalodon used to be between 50 to 65 feet. He had derived this result on the basis of study of fossils of their teeth and spine. The new study has challenged this notion. Its researchers say that Megalodon used to be much slimmer and longer than is now thought.

Scientists say that till now the size of Megalodon was completely misunderstood. (Symbolic photo: Shutterstock)

It is true that Megalodon was still among the top predators in the ancient marine food chain, but this would have made a huge difference in their behavior which would have affected the entire food chain. Their method of hunting and eating may have been quite different, but certainly different from what has been thought of till now.

A team of 26 international scientists worked in this study. When they studied the old fossil record, they found very different results. They found that it was simply a larger version of today’s white shark.

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The thinner and longer Megalodon had a much larger area for digesting food. This shows that they could have taken in more nutrition and thus would not have needed to eat as often.
And they would travel long distances without eating and there would be less pressure on other animals to hunt.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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