Girls should never wear such clothes, AI’s answer will surprise you

Girls should never wear such clothes, AI’s answer will surprise you

For any person, wearing clothes is his/her own decision. But in Indian society, you must have often seen that there is talk about girls’ clothes. But when we asked the questions of common people to AI, see what answer AI has given about it. Today we will tell you what answer AI has given about girls’ clothes. 


Everyone has the freedom to wear clothes of their choice. But especially in Indian society and rural areas, many types of mentality are seen regarding women’s clothes. Not only this, it has come to light in many media reports that a different image of girls is also created regarding their clothes. Today we will tell you what answer AI has given when questioned on this issue. 

AI’s answer

When AI was asked that girls should never wear such clothes. In response to this, AI said that which clothes girls should wear and which they should not, it completely depends on their personal choice and occasions. AI said that telling someone which clothes they should wear and which clothes they should not wear is not right at all. Because every person has his own style, choice and comfort limit. AI has also given some suggestions for women. In which AI has also taken care of safety. AI has suggested to women that they should avoid wearing clothes which are very tight and uncomfortable to wear. AI said that clothes which harm the body should also be avoided. Cultural sensitivity: Apart from this, AI said in its suggestion that attention should be paid to clothes at some special places and on special occasions. For example, in religious places or traditional events, clothes should be selected according to cultural beliefs.

Healthy and comfortable: In its next suggestion, AI said that clothes that harm your body and do not make you feel comfortable should also be avoided.

Apart from this, in the end, AI said to all women and society that clothes are a personal choice. Therefore, everyone should take a decision according to their choice and comfort while wearing clothes.

Also read: India has strict laws regarding child marriage, then how are millions of children getting married in America?

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