GK: Do you know why players chew gum? It’s not just a hobby, science is also a big reason!

GK: Do you know why players chew gum? It’s not just a hobby, science is also a big reason!

Be it cricket or football, you must have seen many matches on TV or in playgrounds. If you have observed the players amidst the excitement of the match, you would have found one thing in common. That is, players are seen chewing gum (Why Players Chew Gum While Playing). Whatever sport they are playing, chewing gum is essential for them. So have you ever wondered what is the reason behind this? Why do players chew gum? This is not just a hobby, there is science behind it too. Let us tell you.

According to the report of Science ABC website, there is a lot of relation between chewing gum and brain function. When we chew something, the receptors in our mouth feel the taste. Along with this, they also feel pressure due to the movement of the jaws, due to which these receptors immediately start sending signals to the brain. After this the brain decodes these signals. This process of decoding activates the brain. In this way the person is able to focus more and concentrate.

Chewing gum keeps the mind calm. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

effect of chewing gum
When brain activity and processing increases, the brain needs more blood. The heart reads this and starts supplying more blood to the brain. Due to higher demand for blood the heart starts beating faster. In this way the blood supply to the muscles also increases. From this you must have understood how a person becomes super active by chewing gum.

This is why players chew gum
Just apply these facts to the players and you will understand why chewing gum is beneficial for the players. When players chew gum during an intense game, the brain becomes alert and the heart starts beating faster, due to which the muscles start getting more blood. In this way players are able to focus more on the game.

There are other benefits of chewing gum
They do not feel tired and do not even sleep. Another big reason is that chewing gum also reduces the stress level. Chewing gum releases a hormone called serotonin which relaxes the brain. Chewing gum keeps the mouth wet so one does not feel very thirsty.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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