Global Muslim Population Increased by in Year 2070 Surpass Christianity According Pew Research Report Know Hindi Condition

Global Muslim Population Increased by in Year 2070 Surpass Christianity According Pew Research Report Know Hindi Condition

Global Muslim Population: According to a study by Pew Research Center, Islam will become the largest religion in the world by 2070. The fertility rate and the young population are the main reasons behind the rapidly growing Muslim population of Islam. Currently, Islam is the second largest religion in the world, but by 2070 it will overtake Christianity.

The report of the Pew Research Center has more than 3 children in Muslim women according to the future of world religions, which exceeds the average fertility rate of the world. Along with this, one third of the Muslim population is under 15 years of age. The chief researcher of the report Conrad Hacket said that in the coming years a large number of Muslim youth will reach the reproductive age, which will increase the population of Islam faster than any other religion.

Future of Christianity and Hinduism
Christianity is also growing rapidly, especially in Africa. Where 40 percent of African Christians will be followers of African Christianity by 2050 due to high birth rate. However, by 2070, the rate of growth of Islam will be so high that it will prevent Christianity from becoming the world’s largest religion. Talking about Hinduism, its population will also continue to increase, especially in India. But by 2050, the Muslim population in India will be more than Indonesia. However, the number of Hindus in India will still be more than Muslims.

Status of major religions in 2070
According to the report, the Muslim population will expand rapidly and by 2070 it will become the largest religion in the world, leaving behind Christianity.
The number of Muslims is expected to increase by more than 70 percent.
Christianity will mainly increase due to fertility rate in Africa.
Hinduism will remain strong in India, but despite the increase in Muslim population, the number of Hindus will be more.
Buddhism will remain stable, while folk religion and tribal religion will also see some growth.

Muslim population growth in America and Europe
In the US and Europe too, the Muslim population will see a rapid growth. By 2050, the number of Muslims in Europe will be 10.2 percent, which was 5.9 percent in 2010. The Muslim population in the US will increase from 1 percent to 2.1 percent. The number of Muslim population in America will exceed the Jews.

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