Good News for Wheat Farmers know what will be the benefit

Good News for Wheat Farmers know what will be the benefit

After the recent rains, a significant drop in temperature is being seen. This season, wheat cultivation is expected to increase by at least seven to 10 percent in Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan. According to experts, the temperature will decrease in the coming days. In the same month or in March, especially during grain filling, the situation may worsen due to abnormal temperature rise. Production may be less compared to last year.

The Agriculture Ministry released the final sowing figures of all Rabi crops for the 2023-24 season on Friday. This year, the area under wheat ended at 341.57 lakh hectares (LH) compared to 339.20 lakh hectares in the year 2022-23. According to reports, Uttar Pradesh, the largest producer of wheat, has recorded the highest sowing of 101.41 lakh per hour, which is more than 4 percent. Apart from this, it has helped in compensating the low coverage in Rajasthan and Maharashtra. The area in Punjab and Haryana is almost equal to last year. The government has set the target of wheat production this year at 114 million tonnes.

Keep these things in mind

According to experts, farmers can benefit from the current rains. There may be a humid environment in Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan in the coming days. Which can prove to be good for crops especially wheat. Farmers of Rajasthan are hopeful of a good wheat crop. However, excessive rain can cause damage to the crop. If there is no sunlight after rain, the possibility of disease in the crop increases. For which farmers should make proper arrangements for drainage in the fields. Also, farmer brothers should monitor the crop and pay attention to the outbreak of diseases and pests.

Also read- If you are planning to leave your job and start farming then these crops will give quick returns.

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