Government presents a budget worth crores, do you know how much money is given by you in it?

Government presents a budget worth crores, do you know how much money is given by you in it?

The budget is to be presented today by the central government. On which the eyes of every person, from common to special, are fixed. What is going to be special in this budget and in which areas there will be relief, all this will be revealed, but do you know how much of your money is invested in the upcoming budget and from where the government gets the money for its needs. If not then let us know.

Where does the government’s income come from?
First of all, let us know where the government’s income comes from. So let us tell you that the money received by the Central Government is called receipts. Which are of two types. First revenue and second capital. 

Revenue receipts are mainly taxes that are received by the government directly and indirectly. When personal income tax and tax on profits of private companies are collected, they are called direct taxes. These also include capital gains tax and wealth tax. Apart from this, indirect taxes include GST, excise duty and customs duty.

How much money do you have in the budget?
Prime Minister

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