Guruwar Upay What color clothes should be worn on Thursday know its religious significance

Guruwar Upay What color clothes should be worn on Thursday know its religious significance

Guruwar Upay: Colours have a special significance in life. In Hinduism, colours are also linked to your happiness and sorrow. In Sanatan Dharma, there is also a description of which colour should be used on which day. 6th June is Thursday. Let us know which colour brings good luck on Thursday.

Everyone knows that Thursday is the favourite day of Lord Vishnu. Jupiter, one of the nine planets, is also associated with this day. It is believed that by worshipping and doing remedies on this day, the auspiciousness of Jupiter increases manifold. In mythological scriptures also, yellow colour has special significance on this day.

It is auspicious to wear yellow clothes on Thursday. Yellow, orange and orange colors can also be worn on this day.

If you are not able to wear yellow clothes on Thursday, then try wearing pink or golden coloured clothes on that day. Wearing these colours on Thursday is also auspicious.

Benefits of Wearing Yellow on Thursday

  • Wearing yellow color on Thursdays provides relief from planetary defects and your spoiled work gets done.
  • Yellow color is considered a symbol of happiness.
  • Wearing yellow clothes increases your confidence.

Donate Yellow Things on Thursday

  • To get the blessings of Lord Vishnu on Thursday, donating yellow things on this day is considered very auspicious.
  • Donate gram or gram dal to the needy on this day.
  • Also donate turmeric, yellow laddu, gold, yellow sapphire, books, things related to education.
  • Chanting Jupiter mantras on Thursday can remove fear.

Astrology: If you want happiness in life and progress in career then never anger these planets

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on beliefs and information only. It is important to mention here that Any kind of belief or information is not confirmed. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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