Gyan Ki Baat Solution of money career and every problem in Manusmriti

Gyan Ki Baat Solution of money career and every problem in Manusmriti

Matter of knowledge: Nowadays there is hardly any person who does not take medicines. The average age of humans is decreasing. People have started committing suicide in pursuit of higher education. Many leave their studies midway and instead go straight to work. Are ready to do anything to get celebrity and money. He is not even hesitating to take off his clothes. Moral degradation is so severe, what can we say?

In such a situation the question arises that Is there a solution to this kind of problem in Hindu scriptures? Let us know from columnist and author Dr. Mahendra Thakur what is the solution to these problems.

If the answer to this question is given in one word then ‘yes’, the solution to this problem is found in the scriptures. By the way, if you want to know the answer to this question then ask yourself in your home. Should ask parents or grandparentsbecause this answer parents or grandparents know very wellWhereas Hindu tradition or scriptures If it is a matter then there is a lot of answer to it Expansion Given from. But it is an irony that today’s modern generation needs everything. short I want, no one wants to go into details.

Therefore, an attempt has been made to give the scriptural solution to the said problem in just one line. If answer in one line If you want then you Manusmriti will have to be raisedthis one There is Manusmriti, without reading which nowadays people keep pretending to photocopy four-five pages and burn or tear them.

I sixth seventh A verse was read in class. At that time, we used to memorize things to get good marks. Teachers also taught for the same. Later it came to light that this verse manusmriti Is of. When I thought about that verse a bit, I found that A verse is a ‘sutra’ Having more use it in your life Needed. Maybe that verse is taught in schools even today.

That verse of Manu Smriti is in the form of a ‘sutra’ useful for life.

greetings courtesy Nityam Vriddhopsevin:.

Chatwari Tasya Vardhante Ayurvidya Yasho Balam. .2. 121. ,

What is the meaning of this verse- ““One who greets his elders every day or touches their feet or pays obeisance to them, his four qualities increase and those four qualities are age, knowledge, fame and strength.”

The problems mentioned in the article (shortening of lifespan (due to diseases), people taking steps like suicide without good education, becoming a celebrity and doing anything to earn money or power etc.) are called qualities in the scriptures. Has gone. Nowadays, people have stopped reading the scriptures or have reduced the time spent with grandparents and elders in the house, the result of which is that the virtues that were there have become vices or have become problems.

There was a great scientist whose name is IM Kolthoff. father of modern analytical chemistry Is also called. One of his very famous statements is ‘theory guides, the experiment decides,

That is, theory has to guide you and experiment determines.

The theory of the scriptures here is that by touching the feet of elders or by paying obeisance or namaste to them, by greeting them, or by serving them, a person’s life gets longer, he gets knowledge, his fame increases and his strength also increases. Is.

So now experiment the theory. The result will be understood only when you implement the formula. Therefore, any person who wants a long life, good skills or knowledge, who wants to become a celebrity, who wants to have a name in the world and who wants power (be it money or physical power or any kind of power) If so, then he should touch the feet of his elders i.e. his grandparents, parents and all the elders in the house daily or should say Namaste to them.

One should greet them and serve them. Following his orders is his service. This can be the first formula to achieve success in life and get rid of the above problems. Do this much and then enjoy the benefits throughout your life.

Narayanayeti Samarpayami….

[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही जिम्मेदार है.]

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