Hair grew on the woman’s tongue due to taking antibiotics, black spots on her face, know what is this rare case

Hair grew on the woman’s tongue due to taking antibiotics, black spots on her face, know what is this rare case

Be it any kind of disease, we eat antibiotics quickly. It doesn’t even care whether the doctor has written it or not. Be careful if you do this too. There are benefits from its consumption but the disadvantages are very high. A rare case of side effects of antibiotics has come to light in Japan, which is surprising. A 60-year-old woman’s tongue turned black and hair grew on it due to taking antibiotics there. Not only this, there were black spots on the face.

According to Metro’s report, this happened due to a rare reaction to antibiotics. This problem is called Lingua Villosa Nigra or Black Hairy Tongue (BHT). According to the public case report in the British Medical Journal, this woman was suffering from rectal cancer. Its treatment started about 14 months ago. Chemotherapy was going on and to reduce its harmful effects, the doctors had given the woman an antibiotic called minocycline. Let us tell you that this medicine is used all over the world in the treatment of acne to pneumonia. But because of this medicine, black spots appeared on the face of the woman. His tongue turned black and hair grew on it.

The spots were a symptom of a side effect of minocycline.
Kazuhide Takata and Fumihito Hirai of Fukuoka University Faculty of Medicine told that the patient had come for treatment of hepatitis B. But the doctors found that his face was turning white. Black spots also started appearing. As soon as the woman opened her mouth, the doctor was stunned. A carpet of black and brown hair was visible on his tongue. Doctors said, it was a symptom of Black Hairy Tongue (BHT). The brown spots on the woman’s face were a symptom of side effects of minocycline because minocycline turns black when oxidized and this causes a difference in skin tone.

Why this situation comes and what is the treatment
According to doctors, growing hair on the tongue is also often due to poor oral health. That’s why it is always advised to keep the mouth clean. Many people consume tobacco and cigarettes excessively. Drink more tea and coffee. They may also have this problem. But this problem is very rare with antibiotics. According to doctors, it is not a fatal disease. Your face will look bad only in appearance. If you see such a situation, see the doctor immediately. This woman also showed up and the doctors changed the medicines, after which her condition is showing improvement after 6 weeks. The skin tone of the woman has started changing.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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