Hand tremor can be a symptom of a serious illness, do not ignore it, it is connected to the brain

Hand tremor can be a symptom of a serious illness, do not ignore it, it is connected to the brain

Hand tremors, also known as tremors, is a condition in which your hands start shaking for no apparent reason. It can happen at any age and can have many causes. Sometimes it can be normal, such as fatigue or excessive caffeine consumption. But if it is persistent and starts interfering with your daily activities, it can be a sign of a serious illness. Let’s know here…

Connection between brain and hand tremors

  • Hand tremors are directly related to our brain. Certain brain conditions and disorders cause hand tremors.
  • Parkinson’s disease: This is a neurological disorder in which brain cells are gradually destroyed. This causes hand tremors and this problem increases over time.
  • Essential tremor: This is the most common type of tremor and it is usually hereditary. In this, the hands shake when they are active, such as while writing or holding something.
  • Brain injuries: Hands can also shake after a brain injury, stroke, or an accident.

Other causes

  • Thyroid problems: In hyperthyroidism, the level of thyroid hormone in the body increases a lot, which can cause hand tremors. This excess of hormone affects the muscles and the nervous system, causing tremors in the hands. 

  • Side effects of medicines: Hand tremors can be a side effect of some medicines. These medicines affect the muscles and nervous system, causing uncontrolled tremors in the hands. If this is happening due to medicines, then consult a doctor.
  • Stress and anxiety: High stress and anxiety can also cause hand tremors. When a person is under a lot of stress or anxiety, it affects the nervous system in the body, causing the hands to shake uncontrollably.

Know what to do

  • Consult a doctor: If your hands are constantly shaking, see a doctor immediately.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle: Take a balanced diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.
  • Reduce stress: Practice yoga, meditation and deep breathing techniques.
  • Take medicines properly: If any medicine is causing hand tremors, consult a doctor and discuss about changing the medicine or reducing its dosage.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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