Happy Married Life Special Tips For Successful Wedding Marriage Husband Wife Do These Upay By Astrologer Dr Aarti Dahiya

Happy Married Life Special Tips For Successful Wedding Marriage Husband Wife Do These Upay By Astrologer Dr Aarti Dahiya

Happy Married Life, Special Tips For Successful Marriage: Marriage is such a sacred bond that binds two people together. Marriage unites two hearts. When the relationship of two people becomes one, then there is love and there is some bickering too. Sign of love Valentine’s week is going on, there is no day to celebrate love, some love is there in people’s hearts. There are ups and downs in every relationship, there are sour and sweet arguments, this relationship is called marriage in which husband and wife walk holding each other’s hand throughout their life.

Sometimes your small carelessness causes tension in the relationship and creates sourness in the hearts. Some tips for such a happy married life or happy married life will help you to make your life happy. Along with irrigating this special bond of marriage with love, we should take special care of some things.

Special tips to make marriage successful

  • Love starts with rose, so it is very important to make rose a part of your room. You decorate your room with rose flowers.
  • Along with this, offering this rose flower to Lakshmi Narayan on every Friday in the morning worship brings success in love.
  • Rose quartz or pink rhinestone is also called a love stone. The vibrations emanating from Rose Quartz directly affect the mind and emotions. this quartz
  • The people living around the person who possesses it also get mesmerized by coming in its energy field and feel emotional attachment towards the wearer.
  • To maintain happiness in married life, a picture of a dolphin should be placed in the bedroom. You put a picture of a dolphin dancing or a dolphin playing in your bedroom. According to Feng Shui, it brings happiness in married life.
  • If both husband and wife visit the temple together once in a week, then their relationship becomes stronger.
  • You should take bath daily after mixing saffron in water, apply saffron tilak daily. This gives mental peace and luck also awakens.
  • Married couple should always keep their bedroom clean. If there is any broken item, immediately remove it from your bedroom. It is believed that even if your bedroom is spread, then there is a clash between husband and wife.

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