Happy New Year 2023 Make These Positive Changes Before The New Year Starts

Happy New Year 2023 Make These Positive Changes Before The New Year Starts

New Year Good Luck Traditions: The year 2023 is going to start soon. Everyone wants that the coming year should bring happiness and prosperity in their life. People take various measures to get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi in the new year. Before the new year, people also make special preparations for the arrival of Goddess Lakshmi at home. New year can be made happy by making some changes in life. Some measures taken on the new year open new avenues of progress. Let us know what changes you should make in your life before the year 2023 starts.

Do this work before the new year starts

  • It is considered very auspicious to put an idol or picture of Ganesha at the main door of the house on the first day of the new year. This brings happiness in life. If you do business, then one day before the beginning of the year, it is best to install Yamkilak Yantra at the main door of the shop. Due to this, negative energy does not enter and there is progress in life.
  • On the new year or a day before, get things like unnecessary junk or broken idol, closed clock, bad computer, broken mirror out of the house or shop. It is said that by keeping such things in the house, there is communication of negative energy in the house and every work gets obstructed. Get things out of the house before the new year. This will bring positive changes in life.
  • people usually Diwali Lakshmi-Ganesh idols are installed at home and shop on the day itself, but you can also install Lakshmi and Ganesha idols at the beginning of your new year. This makes the beginning of the new year very auspicious. By putting a picture of Lakshmi with Ganesh, his blessings remain.
  • If any broken furniture like table, sofa or chair has been kept like this in the house for many days, then before the new year, take it out of the house. Bad furniture brings bad luck and negative energy to the house. The furniture in the house should always be in perfect condition.
  • Install a pyramid in your home at the beginning of the year. It is said that keeping a pyramid in the house or shop brings positivity. Along with this, there is a lot of benefit in business as well. It is believed that the effect of the pyramid has a positive effect on the surrounding things as well.

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