Have you ever seen a disappearing animal? It is small in appearance but deceives the eyes

Have you ever seen a disappearing animal?  It is small in appearance but deceives the eyes

Nature is full of many such unique mysteries. Be it environment or animals. Some species are like this in all. About whom many people are probably unaware. Someone may make lakhs of claims but cannot say that he knows everything on earth. We have come to know about one such creature, except perhaps myself, most of the people would be unaware of it. The creature that deceives the eyes. Because he is rich in a strange power which is found only in rare creatures.

An animal is such that it has the ability to make itself disappear at any time. Such a frog is known in the forests of Central and South America by the name of Northern Glasfrom. This is a special species of frogs. The one who is expert in deceiving your eyes in a moment.

A frog who becomes ‘Mr India’
An animal who can become Mr. India whenever he wants. Yes, the same Mr. India who used to disappear. Just like this there is a frog who is full of unique power, that power is the power to become invisible at will. There is no need to be confused because not every frog has this power. Rather, there is a special species of frog that has the ability to make itself disappear. To disappear, the frog pulls the red blood cells present in the body into its liver while sleeping. Because of which it becomes completely transparent and then no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to find it easily.

A frog who suddenly disappears while sleeping

This species of frogs capable of making themselves invisible is known as the Northern Glassfrog. Their art of disappearing is also helpful in protecting them from enemies and they become transparent and hide among the leaves in such a way that no one can find them. Apart from being very beautiful, these frogs are also very poisonous. But it doesn’t bite. Rather, by leaving poison from their back, they force the person in front to die. According to a research, the glassfrog is the only creature on earth that has the ability to make itself disappear. It is believed that if a study is done on the ability to draw one’s own red blood cells into the liver, then the possibilities of treating many diseases of humans can increase. Such rare frogs are mostly found in the forests of Central and South America.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, amazing facts, Good news, Weird news, wildlife news in hindi

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