Agency:News18 Bihar
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There is a village in Gaya district of Bihar which is being discussed everywhere. This village is present at a distance of about 5 kilometers from Bodh Gaya Block Headquarters and every basic facility is available to the villagers here.
Gobar gas plant has been set up and 50 houses are also getting benefits.
- Bataspur village has free cow dung facility.
- There is also school and open gym in the village.
- The head of Bihar will visit the village on 13 February.
WentThere is a village in Gaya district of Bihar which is being discussed everywhere. Yes, we are talking about Bataspur village under Basadhi Panchayat of Bodh Gaya block area. Bataspur village is present at a distance of about 5 kilometers from Bodh Gaya Block Headquarters and every basic facility is available to the villagers here. More than 50 houses in this village are cooked free of cost from cow dung gas. Apart from this, school, ideal Anganwadi center, rural haat, waste processing unit for garbage management, Chhat Ghat, Solar Street Light in Har Gali, Parks to Walk, Open Gym, Dustbin, Dustbin, MNREGA stadium in every street, MNREGA Sports Stadium , Selfie points etc. have been made.
Bataspur village is an ideal village and it is discussed in the entire district and it has been possible with the cooperation of rural and local public representatives here. Every people of this village have now become aware and use dustbin to throw garbage. To get higher education, the children of the village have become schools up to inter in the village itself. To get employment to the poor people of the village, MNREGA Grameen Haat has been made where people can sell vegetables and earn their livelihood. To save money in cooking, a plant of cow dung has been set up under Govardhan Yojana and it is also getting benefits to 50 houses.
Dung gas facility gets free
The ideal is an Anganwadi center where in addition to nutritious food to young children, early studies are also given better. Thousands of green trees have been planted under the MNREGA on the banks of this village on the banks of the river. Slogans of cleanliness have been written from place to place. Organic manure is made in the waste processing unit of waste coming out of the village. Please tell that most of the people here are associated with farming and also do animal husbandry work. Animal cow dung is given to the cow dung gas plant and the villagers are given free gas instead.
Every Sunday, rural haats are installed in this village where people of three panchayats come and sell vegetables and animals. CCTV cameras have been installed in many places in the village and people of criminal element are monitored. The villagers of the village told that they are proud of their village as an ideal village that their village is discussed in the entire district. In this regard, the former Deputy Chief of the village Manoranjan Prasad Samadarshi says that this village has been developed as a model village through the schemes of the Government of India and the Government of Bihar. It is the first village in the district where two beautiful Chhat Ghats have been built.
Today this village is being discussed everywhere
To see this model village, the head of Bihar is reaching Bataspur on 13 February and will lay the foundation stone and inaugurate many schemes here. The people of the village including the former sub -head here have contributed significantly in making this village an ideal village. Today, this village is discussed everywhere and to see this ideal model village, a team of people and officials reaches.
February 10, 2025, 16:39 IST