Have you ever wondered how it rains?

The rainy season has arrived, It is raining everywhere due to monsoon, In such a situation, if someone asks you how rain occurs, you will give some normal answer , But when someone asks you to explain the whole process, you may not be able to answer it. When a child asks such questions, many more questions come to his mind. . So let us understand the process of how rain occurs today.

How does water reach the clouds?

First of all, let us know how water reaches the clouds. So let us tell you that there are three forms of water on earth, the first is steam, The second is liquid water and the third is solid ice. When water is heated, it turns into steam or gas and rises into the air. . When such vapour accumulates in a very large quantity, it takes the form of clouds. This whole process is called evaporation.

Does it rain only when the water is cold?

Then when the clouds start to cool down, the gaseous steam starts to turn into liquid water and when the clouds get colder, this gaseous steam turns into ice. This process of condensation of vapor is called condensation, But this alone is not enough for rain to occur. Rather, liquid droplets first accumulate in clouds and these droplets turn into larger droplets. When the weight of these water droplets becomes too much then it rains. . The process of water falling down from the sky is called precipitation.

In how many forms does precipitation occur?

There is no single form of precipitation. rather hail falling, Snow etc. is also a form of precipitation. When water falls in solid form instead of liquid form, it is called snowfall. The falling of ice pieces along with rain is called hail. . Apart from this, small droplets of water also fall in many places in winter, which we call dew.

Rain has different Separate systems

Now if we talk only about rain, then apart from rain"s1">-There are different systems. Like when it rains, it doesn’t rain everywhere or it doesn’t rain the same everywhere. But there are many processes on Earth that cause it to rain at a place. The most well-known process in India is the monsoon.. Due to which, there is continuous or intermittent rain in the same area for one to three to four months. Apart from this, sometimes unseasonal rains also occur which are called local rains. Sometimes cyclones from the sea also bring rain and destruction.

Apart from this, rain also does not occur due to any one reason . Distance from sea level, Trees in the areaAmount of plants, Distance from mountains, Wind patterns and other climate factors combine to determine what kind of rain a place receives, at what time and how much will it be.

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