He gave his kidney to save his wife’s life, as soon as the divorce took place, the husband made a claim, said – give the kidney back or the money.

He gave his kidney to save his wife’s life, as soon as the divorce took place, the husband made a claim, said – give the kidney back or the money.

Organ donation is considered a great donation. Leave aside yourself, many people these days donate their organs for others too. But a surprising news has come out from Britain. A man donated his kidney to save his wife’s life. But as soon as the divorce happened, he filed a claim. Said-Either return my kidney or give me money.

According to the report of Daily Star, this unique divorce case was filed recently. A man named Richard Batista was married to Donnell in 1990. Both of them also have three children. In 2001, Donnell’s health began to deteriorate. Both his kidneys stopped working. Doctors said that kidney transplant would have to be done, otherwise it would be difficult to save life. Then Richard donated one of his kidneys to her. But Donel divorced her after 4 years. Richard became very disappointed by this.

Wife Donel’s affair with someone else
Now Richard has filed a case in the court. He claims that wife Donel is having an affair with someone else. That’s why he has divorced. Now either he will have to return the kidney. Or give money in exchange. Richard Batista has demanded his wife to give him 1.2 million pounds in exchange for his kidney. But is this possible?

it’s impossible to give it back
Medical experts say that once a kidney is taken from someone, it is not possible to give it back. For this, Donel will have to go through the same operation process again. His life is in danger because both his kidneys have failed. If this kidney is also removed then it will be impossible to save it. Someone gave a verdict in this matter. Matrimonial referee Jeffrey said that Richard’s demand for compensation and a kidney is not only contrary to the legal solution, but is also humanly wrong.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, Divorce, OMG News

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