Health heart tips heart beat increases while walking running know reason

Health heart tips heart beat increases while walking running know reason

Heart Health: Health experts have been recommending exercises like walking and running to stay healthy. You too must be walking or running for some time every day. You must have noticed that your heart rate increases suddenly while walking or running. Some people get nervous about this. If seen, this is a normal process. Let us know why the heart rate increases while walking or running and what should be the heart rate in such a situation.

Why does the heartbeat get faster?
Health experts say that more energy is consumed while running and to fulfill this, the muscles need more energy and oxygen. The responsibility of fulfilling this need lies on the heart and the heart starts pumping blood faster, which increases the heart beat i.e. heart rate.

Apart from this, the body temperature also increases while running, due to which the heart tries to cool the body by pumping blood faster. While running, hormones like adrenaline and cortisol reach their highest level in our body. Due to this also the heartbeat increases.

How to calculate heart rate
High heart rate is related to the age of the person running, the surrounding temperature, fitness level and even age. Sometimes people who are generally under stress have a very high heart rate while running. However, a very high heart rate can also be dangerous for health.

This much heart rate is normal, be cautious if it is more than this

Generally, it is quite easy to find out the heart rate of a normal person running. Usually the heart rate while running is 60 to 100 BPM. Apart from this, subtract the age of the person running from 220. This will tell you your heart rate. You can also find out the heart rate by using a heart monitor. Nowadays, many types of options have come in smart watches to check it.

Which disease is the sign of rapid heartbeat?

Usually you must have noticed that people who are overweight start breathing even if they walk or run a little. Apart from this, if the heartbeat starts increasing in a short time while walking or running, then it can be a sign of heart disease. Sometimes it is also considered a symptom of heart attack. In such a situation, it is very important that you keep monitoring the heartbeat and if the heartbeat increases more than necessary, then contact the doctor immediately.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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Check out below Health Tools-
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