Health Rules Do Not Keep These Things In The Fridge In Winter Or Summer

Health Rules Do Not Keep These Things In The Fridge In Winter Or Summer

Don’t Put These Food’s In Fridge: The food items in the house do not get spoiled, so it is kept in the fridge. Things like flour, vegetables, fruits, sweets, milk-curd are often kept in the fridge. By keeping the goods in the fridge, it can be used later also. But it is not good for health. If food items are kept in the fridge for long-term use in your home, then be aware, because many things can harm health. These things should not be kept in the fridge even by mistake.

Tips for keeping a face in the fridge

1. Do not keep raw and cooked items together on any rack of the fridge. Keep both types of things in separate racks, otherwise there are more chances of them getting spoiled.

2. Whenever keeping baked goods in the fridge, keep them in steel tiffin only.

3. The bottom shelf of the freezer is the coldest. The temperature of the chamber of refrigerating can be from about 3 degree Celsius to +6 degree Celsius. That’s why keeping stuff here can be harmful.

4. Do not keep the dough in the fridge after kneading it. It takes a lot of hard work for the body to digest the roti made of flour kept in the fridge.

5. Bacteria grow faster in milk. That’s why do not keep milk in the fridge for long.

6. Check the expiry date given on the canned milk i.e. tetra pack. After opening the tetra pack, use it immediately.

7. Do not keep butter in the fridge for more than 15 days. Pack it well in a plastic before keeping it in the fridge. Take it out of the fridge about 15 minutes before use.

8. Many things like vinegar, sugar, oil are mixed in mayonnaise. Keep it in the fridge immediately before using it. If it has been about eight hours since it was kept outside, then do not put it back in the fridge.

9. Never keep bread in the fridge even by mistake.

10. Drink tetra pack juice only after seeing its expiry date. Finish within 6 days of opening the packet.

11. When potato is kept in the fridge, its starch breaks down, due to which it becomes sweet.

12. According to the Food Standard Agency, do not keep potatoes in the fridge even by mistake. When potatoes kept in the fridge are cooked, a dangerous chemical is released from it, which can be dangerous for health.

13. Keeping tomato in the fridge can spoil its outer layer and also spoil the taste. If tomatoes are overripe, they can be kept in the fridge for a couple of days. Pack it in a paper bag and store it in the fridge.

14. Neither keep onions in the fridge nor keep them in plastic bags. Keeping onion in the fridge can make it soft and spoiled.

15. Do not keep cooked rice in the fridge for more than two days. After taking it out from the fridge, keep it in normal temperature for a while and then keep it warm.

16. Bread should be eaten within 8 hours of making it. Do not keep bread in the fridge.

17. To maintain the nutritional elements of pulses, it should be eaten fresh.

18. Do not keep cut fruits in the fridge. This can be harmful for health.

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