Health Sleeping Tips In Summer Know Home Remedies In Hindi

Health Sleeping Tips In Summer Know Home Remedies In Hindi

Summer Sleeping Tips: Good and deep sleep is most important for good health. Many types of health problems start happening without restful sleep. Sleeplessness becomes a problem in the summer season. Sleep breaks many times while sleeping. Because of this, many diseases can surround you. Therefore, if you also want to get good sleep in summer (Summer Sleeping Tips), then start following some tips from today itself…

Will sleep peacefully, get rid of diseases

1. Good and deep sleep keeps the mind calm.

2. Getting enough sleep makes the digestive system strong.

3. Peaceful sleep also strengthens the immune system.

4. Good sleep keeps away from mental stress.

5. If the sleep is complete then the face remains blooming.

home remedies for good sleep

1. Whenever you go to sleep, sleep only after drinking hot milk an hour before. Doing this daily improves sleep.

2. Oil massage is the best way to get a peaceful sleep. Heart health is also good after massaging with oil.

3. Bathing with lukewarm water before sleeping gives good sleep.

4. If you are unable to get enough sleep at night, then take a short nap during the day. This will keep the mood fresh and you will be full of energy.

5. Have dinner 2 or 3 hours before sleeping at night. Sleeping immediately after eating, the acid present in the stomach causes a burning sensation in the chest, which works to drive away sleep.

6. Avoid nicotine, caffeine and alcohol before sleeping at night. They work to disturb sleep.

7. Use phone less before sleeping. This does not cause sleep and also has a negative effect on the eyesight.

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