health tips cancer myths and facts causes symptoms treatment in hindi

health tips cancer myths and facts causes symptoms treatment in hindi

Cancer Myths vs Facts : On hearing the name of cancer, death starts looming in front of our eyes. The mind and heart become numb. This is such a dangerous disease that every year millions of people in the world lose their lives to cancer. The biggest reason for this is the late detection of this disease.

about such things’Myth Vs Facts is a special presentation of ABP Live Hindi. ‘Myth Vs Facts Series’‘ is trying to bring you out of the swamp of old-fashioned things and bring you the truth. Many things are said about cancer, which have no truth in them. In such a situation, let us know 6 myths and facts related to cancer…

Myth 1- Is cancer a contagious disease?
Fact– There is absolutely no truth in this. Going near a cancer patient does not cause this disease. However, there are some types of cancer in which different viruses and bacteria spread. These include cervical, liver and stomach cancer. According to, cancer is never caused by touch. This can happen only in the case of organ or tissue transplantation.

Myth 2- Eating too much sugar makes cancer dangerous
Fact– Apart from cancer cells, many cells of the body depend on glucose for energy, but it is completely wrong that consuming glucose or sugar gives more energy to cancer cells and they grow faster. According to Cancer Research UK, no such evidence has been found so far which shows that giving up sugar reduces the risk of cancer.

Myth 3- If someone in the family has cancer, then everyone will have cancer
Fact– If a family member has cancer or has ever had it, then other members of that family are at risk of getting cancer, but this does not happen usually. So there is no need to panic about it.

Myth 4- Applying deodorant or hair dye can cause cancer
Fact– No scientific evidence has been found so far on this matter. According to the National Cancer Institute, no such evidence has been found which proves that applying deo causes breast cancer. However, some reports have said that aluminum compounds and parabens are used in deo, which reach the body through the skin and can cause harm. No such evidence has been found regarding hair dye as well, but hairdressers or people working in salons who use chemical products a lot have the risk of getting bladder cancer.

Myth 5: Herbal products can cure cancer
Fact– There is no truth in this because no herbal product has been made so far which is effective in treating cancer. Some studies have found properties that protect against side effects during cancer treatment with alternative therapies, some treatments and herbs.

Myth 6- Artificial sweeteners cause cancer
Fact– states that researchers have done many tests on this so far but they have not found any such element, which proves that consuming artificial sweetener causes cancer.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

Also read:

Myth vs Facts: Does smoking alone cause lung cancer? Disease does not occur at a young age, know what is the reality

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