health tips danger of many diseases due to phone bacteria know prevention

health tips danger of many diseases due to phone bacteria know prevention

Effects of Phone on Health : The phone which stays with us all the time is making us sick. Many types of problems are happening because of this. Not only this, a dangerous disease is spreading in the stomach too. According to experts, nowadays we carry our gadgets everywhere. We don’t even leave it in the bathroom. Because of which many bacteria have been found on the gadgets, which can spread diseases.

Heat always emanates from the phone, so it is the safest place for bacteria. Apart from bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa also accumulate on the screen, which can cause diarrhea, food poisoning, respiratory diseases and skin infections.

Which people are at risk
People who wear smartwatches to track fitness should also be careful. Many types of dangerous bacteria are found on its band and screen, which can cause skin infection, toxic shock syndrome, blood, pneumonia in the lungs or infection in other organs and diarrhea. People who have weak immunity are most affected. Wearing earphones or earpods for several hours increases the temperature and humidity of the ears, which increases the risk of infection.

Fear of food infection
A bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus is found on the surface of the smartphone. It is also called staph, which can increase skin infection. There is also a risk of food poisoning due to coming in contact with this bacteria, so do not use gadgets at all while eating, because bacteria can easily reach hands, face and mouth through gadgets.

Risky for stomach and UTI
Bacteria called Escherichia coli or E-coli are also found on phones or gadgets, which can cause serious infections. This can cause severe diarrhea, urinary tract infection and kidney disease. Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria can increase throat and skin infections.

They remain alive for a long time on the surfaces of the phone. This increases the risk of their spreading. Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria is also found on phones, which can cause respiratory infections, urinary tract infections and blood infections.

What precautions should be taken regarding the phone
According to a research, 11,163 micro-organisms have been found on 26 mobile phones, which can cause dangerous diseases. Some precautions should be taken to avoid this. Clean the screen and back cover of the gadget properly with a microfiber cloth or alcohol wipes daily.

Do not use the phone in the bathroom or dirty places. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the body. Avoid touching the face, nose, eyes or mouth after using the mobile. Do not share your phone with anyone. Do not use earphones continuously for more than 1 hour.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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