health tips difference between dehydration and heat dehydration know side effects

Dehydration : The scorching sun and hot winds have increased the troubles. Heat wave alert has been issued in many states. Due to heat wave, the energy of the body starts decreasing. Due to continuous sweating, there is a lack of water in the body, which is called dehydration. Due to this, the throat and mouth start drying, dryness starts in the eyes, fatigue or dizziness is felt.

Dehydration causes gradual damage to the body. It also affects the brain. The risk of heat dehydration also increases in the summer season. In such a situation, let us know which is more dangerous between dehydration and heat dehydration…

what is dehydration
Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration. This can happen in any season but the risk is higher in summers. This problem can be avoided by replenishing the water deficiency in the body. This can affect the health of the kidneys to the brain.

What is heat dehydration
Heat dehydration is caused by heat waves and scorching sun. Actually, the normal temperature of a healthy body is 37 degrees Celsius. This temperature has to be maintained for the body to function properly, but in summers when the heatwave blows, the surrounding environment becomes hot. This causes the body to sweat to maintain the body temperature.

This also speeds up blood circulation. When the outside temperature rises too much, the fluids present inside the body are not sufficient to maintain the temperature. This causes excessive sweating and the salt-water balance in the body starts deteriorating, which increases the risk of heat dehydration.

Harmful effects of dehydration
Feeling very thirsty
Dark coloured and smelly urine
passing less or more urine than usual
Headache, dizziness, nausea
Difficulty seeing and understanding things around you
Kidney damage
Risk of kidney stones

Dehydration also affects the brain
Our brain is made up of 70-75% water. This is the reason that dehydration affects the brain as well. It can cause headaches and bad mood. Apart from this, problems like irritability, inability to focus on anything, loss of balance between body and mind can occur. A study by the University of Connecticut states that when the body’s water content falls even 1.5% below the normal amount, then a lot of anxiety, fatigue and irritability start occurring.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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