health tips difference between panic vs anxiety attack in hindi

health tips difference between panic vs anxiety attack in hindi

Panic Attack vs Anxiety Attack: There is a lot of difference between panic attack and anxiety attack. Most people are confused about them. Panic attack occurs due to some fear, while anxiety attack occurs due to worry or stress. Both can be dangerous for health.

Many times, due to delay in differentiating between them, treatment is not available on time. Both attacks have a direct effect on the heart. Due to these, there is also a risk of heart attack. In such a situation, let us know what is the difference between panic attack and anxiety attack…

what is a panic attack
According to experts, panic attacks come suddenly. It mostly happens due to some fear. Panic attacks are very intense. Sometimes it can also happen due to some phobia. It can happen to anyone. Talking about its symptoms, there are excessive sweating, difficulty in breathing, vomiting or dizziness, fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, trembling of hands and legs and feeling very scared.

what is an anxiety attack
When a person is worried about something for a long time, then he gets an anxiety attack. This attack occurs due to worry and stress. Sometimes there is a risk of this attack due to tension in the brain muscles. Its symptoms include difficulty in breathing, increased heartbeat, chest pain, vision problems, problems in speaking, pain in hands or neck.

This is a type of mental disorder which doctors associate with anxiety, fear or apprehension. Getting frightened and restless even on small matters are its symptoms.

Symptoms of anxiety

Discomfort from time to time


muscle strain

Difficulty concentrating

increased heart rate

Excessive sweating

Shivering and breathing problems

Main differences between panic attacks and anxiety attacks

1. Panic attacks are caused by fear and anxiety attacks are caused by worry.
2. Panic attack comes suddenly, whereas anxiety attack starts gradually and intensifies.
3. Anxiety attack is slightly less dangerous than panic attack.
4. In case of panic attack, immediate medical attention is required, whereas anxiety attack comes slowly and subsides after some time.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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