health tips extreme heat affected kidneys know prevention in hindi

Kidney Failure in Heat : There is intense heat in the country. The temperature in many places has crossed 45 degrees. Heat wave is also having a bad effect on health. Heat wave is even causing deaths. Due to this, serious problems like brain stroke, heat stroke and dehydration are increasing. Not only this, kidney failure is also occurring due to intense heat.

Many such cases are coming in hospitals. The condition of people already suffering from kidney disease is very bad. In such a situation, doctors are advising to take special care of health. According to doctors, due to heat, there is a lack of water in the body, which can cause kidney failure. Let’s know how to avoid this…

How heat is damaging the kidneys
According to health experts, excessive sweating occurs due to heat. Due to which there is a lack of water in the body, which is a condition of dehydration. Due to which the blood becomes thick and blood flow decreases.

Due to poor blood circulation, the blood supply to the kidney is not proper. Due to which the filter process of the kidney is affected, it loses its filtering capacity and the dirt is not able to come out of the body. This is called acute renal failure. This problem can occur within a few hours.

How dangerous is acute renal failure
According to the doctor, most patients of acute renal failure recover within a month but there are some cases when the kidney is unable to recover. In such a case, dialysis is required. Actually, when the kidney is unable to filter the dirt of the body, the amount of potassium and creatinine increases in the body. Dialysis is used to remove these toxic things.

signs of acute renal failure
High blood pressure
Less urination
swelling in arms, legs or other body parts

How to prevent acute renal failure
Health experts say that in this scorching heat, drink the right amount of water by understanding the body’s water needs. Drink as much liquid as possible. Field workers should drink water every hour. Keep a steel bottle with you. Apart from water, you can drink lemon-salt or mango drink in it. Avoid salt for BP problems. This can prevent serious problems like acute renal failure.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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