Health Tips Fat Things Keep The Body Warm In Winter Take Fish Green Vegetables Peanuts Butter

Health Tips Fat Things Keep The Body Warm In Winter Take Fish Green Vegetables Peanuts Butter

Winter Warm Foods: The food pattern changes in the winter season. Some people take care of their fitness and avoid eating fatty foods. But do you know that the milk, cream, chips which are used in abundance in the winter season, may increase the weight of the body, but it also keeps our body warm. By keeping the body warm in the winter season, many types of diseases can be avoided. Let us know the benefits of eating fatty things.

Fat is important in the cold

According to many health experts, the fat present in the body acts as a kind of protective layer in the winter season, like wearing a jacket. According to him, body fat can prove to be extremely beneficial for maintaining the required body temperature. Due to less fat in the body in the winter season, many types of problems may have to be faced. Due to lack of fat in the body, one may feel cold, feel tired quickly, digestion power may be weak and problems like upset stomach may also occur. Since the nights are long and cold in the winter season. That’s why the body temperature also remains low faster and for a longer time as compared to the summer days. In such a situation, fat is also necessary to maintain the body temperature.

What are fatty tissues

Certain types of cells are present in our body, which are also known as Adipocytes. These cells only work to make fatty tissue. There are two types of fatty tissue – first white and second brown adipocytes. White adipocytes are called calories i.e. energy present in the body, while fat present in the body are called brown adipocytes. Its job is to maintain the required temperature of our body. On aging, the brown adipocytes present in our body starts decreasing.

what to eat for fat

Many problems can be avoided by eating fat things in the winter season, but care should be taken even while choosing fat things. Try to use unsaturated fat only. This fat is mostly found in green vegetables and fruits. Apart from this, things like olive oil, fish, coconut oil, flax seeds, avocado, nuts, peanuts, and butter can also be used.

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