Health Tips For Women To Avoid Serious Diseases Like Breast Cancer And Thyroid Women Should Get These Tests

Health Tips For Women To Avoid Serious Diseases Like Breast Cancer And Thyroid Women Should Get These Tests

Health Tips For Women: Women take care of the whole house in the house. Whether it is raising a child or taking care of all the people, meanwhile women forget to take care of themselves. This is the reason that after the age of 30, women often start falling ill because they forget to eat well, exercise, take a healthy diet. To keep diseases such as breast cancer or thyroid at bay, regular health check-ups are necessary as getting a check-up can help you identify the early warning signs. If the disease developing in the body is detected in time, then its treatment will also be done in time.

Women should get this test done at the age of 30

Every woman should take the time to inculcate healthy habits such as regular exercise, stress management and choosing the right foods. Scheduling regular health check-ups, which can detect potential problems early, is one of those habits. As women progress or enter their 30s, here are five tests they should consider getting regularly to maintain optimal health. After the age of 30, women can come under the grip of most diseases.

Get this test done to check for breast cancer

Mammogram X-ray is used to check for breast cancer, it is used to detect breast cancer. It has been discussed for a long time that a woman must undergo this test. Because the risk of breast cancer increases with your age, and frequent screening can help you detect the disease in time. The most recent guidelines from the USPSTF recommend that starting at age 50, women should have a mammogram every two years. In old age, women face this disease the most. That’s why if you see any such symptoms, definitely get a mammogram X-ray done.


Tests are necessary to detect underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). In case of normal findings, thyroid test must be done once in a year.

blood sugar test

You should also get the blood pressure test done. A reading below 120/80 is good. If the reading is normal then get the test done next year. Blood sugar test helps in the detection of diabetes. Pre-diabetes between 100 and 110 and above 110 indicates diabetes.

vitamin d deficiency

An extremely common condition, vitamin D deficiency, among other things, increases the risk of bone loss and osteoporosis in later years. A reading of 30 in a blood test indicates a deficiency. Due to the deficiency of Vitamin D, you get most of the diseases. That’s why it must be tested.

bone screening

Women should start getting screened for osteoporosis with a bone density test at age 65. People with risk factors for osteoporosis such as fractures or low body weight should be screened first. For this test, called a DEXA scan, you lie on a table while a low-dose X-ray machine captures images of your bones.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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