health tips hands and foot fingers pain can be a sign of many diseases like diabetes arthritis

health tips hands and foot fingers pain can be a sign of many diseases like diabetes arthritis

Finger Pain Signs: Most people ignore the pain in fingers and toes. Pain in fingers can be quite common due to lack of stretching of hands or typing on laptop-keyboards for a long time or wearing tight sandals or shoes, but sometimes this pain lasts for a long time or is usually due to other serious diseases. Can happen. In such a situation, one should never ignore them and should immediately seek help from a doctor. Let us know which diseases pain in hands and toes can be a sign of…

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1. Diabetes

The nerves of the body can get damaged in diabetes. Due to which there may be pain in the fingers and toes. Not only this, it can also cause problems like numbness and tingling. Because of this the whole day can remain chaotic.

2. Arthritis

3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome affects the median nerve, which travels through the carpal tunnel in the wrist. Pain in the fingers of the hand may occur when the veins in the tunnel become compressed or swollen. This pain can start from the fingers and extend to the hands.

4. Ganglion Cyst

Lumps start forming in ganglion cysts, which are filled with liquid. These lumps can appear on the joints of the wrist and hand. These can also cause pain. Well, they are not very harmful.

5. Infection

There may also be pain due to infection in the fingers and toes. Cuts or wounds in fingers sometimes become the cause of infection. Due to which they may experience pain. This can also cause swelling and redness in the fingers.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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