health tips heart attacks risk factors prevention and treatment in hindi

health tips heart attacks risk factors prevention and treatment in hindi

Heart Attack : The risk of heart disease is increasing rapidly all over the world. Conditions like heart attack and stroke are becoming life-threatening. To avoid these, proper diet, better lifestyle and workout are very important. If there is a family history of heart attack or someone is suffering from problems like diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, then even if he is physically fit, he can get a heart attack, which can take his life. However, there are some people who survive a heart attack. Know how this happens.

Who survives a heart attack?

Cases of heart attack and cardiac arrest are increasing continuously. In such conditions, the lives of people who receive CPR can be saved to a great extent. CPR i.e. cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a life saving technique, which is used in case of a heart attack. If a person’s heartbeat stops, then giving CPR before reaching the hospital is like life saving for them.

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How CPR can save lives

These people also have a very low risk of death after a heart attack

1. Those who eat rotis made from millet, sorghum or ragi or by mixing their flour instead of wheat rotis.

2. Those who eat less sweet fruits like mango, banana, sapota and eat less sweet fruits like papaya, kiwi, orange.

3. By exercising for 45 minutes at least 5 days a week.

4. Controls weight and obesity.

5. Proper routine of sleeping early and waking up early, 7 hours of sleep is very important.

6. Heart attack can be avoided by staying away from smoking and alcohol.

Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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