health tips lung cancer increasing rapidly in women and youth know reasons

health tips lung cancer increasing rapidly in women and youth know reasons

Lung Cancer : Nowadays the risk of lung cancer is increasing rapidly. The main reason for this is smoking, tobacco and gutkha. Most men consume tobacco and gutkha, so they have a higher risk of lung cancer but recently a shocking report has come out.

A new research published in the International Journal of Cancer states that women between 30 and 50 years of age are at a higher risk of lung cancer than men. This research states that lung cancer has increased rapidly in women. Young people are also falling prey to it rapidly. Let’s know the reason for this…

Why is lung cancer increasing among women and youth

1. Biological reasons
Lung cancer is spreading rapidly in women due to genetic and hormonal differences. Certain types of estrogen are also increasing lung cancer rapidly. Studies have shown that women’s lungs may be more sensitive to the carcinogenic effects of tobacco smoke and other pollutants. Due to some pollutants, young people are also getting more affected by it.

2. Smoking
Nowadays, youngsters and women are getting attracted towards smoking, due to which the risk of lung cancer is increasing rapidly in them. The carcinogens present in tobacco smoke affect the lungs of women very quickly, due to which they get affected by cancer very quickly.

3. Secondhand smoke
Women and some young people are exposed to secondhand smoke most of the time, which increases their risk of lung cancer. They should stay away from this thing as much as possible.

4. Radon Exposure
Women can be affected by radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas linked to lung cancer, which can accumulate if you spend a lot of time outdoors and can later cause lung cancer.

How to protect young people and women from lung cancer

1. Adopt a healthy lifestyle.
2. Avoid smoking and alcohol completely.
3. Improve your diet. Take a balanced diet. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet.
4. Exercise regularly.
5. Avoid exposure to pollution as much as possible.
6. If you are working in a place where there is a risk of cancer, take precautions.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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