health tips most common cancers lung oral breast cervical esophageal symptoms in hindi

health tips most common cancers lung oral breast cervical esophageal symptoms in hindi

Most Common Cancer: Cancer is a very dangerous and fatal disease. Due to late detection of cancer, it becomes difficult to avoid it. This is the reason that the earlier the symptoms of cancer are detected, the greater are the chances of survival. Actually, there are not just one or two but more than 100 types of cancer. In many of these cancers, symptoms are not even detected in the beginning. However, if we talk about the most common cancers, some symptoms are seen in them. Today we are going to tell you about the 5 most common cancers occurring in India, whose initial signs and symptoms you should be aware of.

1. Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in India. There were about 70,275 cases of lung cancer in the country in 2022, which is expected to double by 2025. The most prominent symptoms of this cancer include persistent cough, chest pain, bleeding with cough, and difficulty in breathing.

2. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer i.e. mouth cancer mostly occurs in men only. This is the 5th most common cancer in women. This cancer is mostly caused by tobacco. Its symptoms initially include small wounds, red spots or non-healing wounds in the mouth.

3. Breast Cancer

In the 2020 report of the National Center for Disease Informatics and Research, it was said that about 39.14 percent of the cancer cases in women are breast cancer. Its symptoms include formation of lump on the breast, change in shape-size, peeling of the skin, bleeding from the nipple.

4. Cervical Cancer

In a report regarding this most talked about cancer these days, it has been said that one out of every five cervical cancer patients in the world is from India. The biggest matter of concern is that one out of four deaths due to cervical cancer also occurs in our country. Talking about its symptoms, it includes bleeding from the vagina, pain during intercourse, severe pain in the pelvic part also.

5. Cancer in the esophagus

When cancer cells grow inside the food pipe, then it becomes cancer. This is called esophageal cancer. It is the 6th most common cancer in India. Its symptoms include difficulty in swallowing food (dysphagia), persistent indigestion, persistent cough, uncontrolled weight gain.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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