health tips people consume 5 gram plastic in a week know impacts on human body

health tips people consume 5 gram plastic in a week know impacts on human body

Side Effects of Plastic : Plastic has become a part of our life all the time, whether we are awake or on the move. This is only about the plastic that we can see. Micro and nano plastics are invisible to the eyes. This is not only harmful for the environment but also for our body. Micro-nano plastics are hidden in food, water, air and everything and are entering the body and causing danger.

According to a report by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), a person consumes 5 grams of plastic every week. This is as much as a credit card. Its biggest source is water. Plastic particles are found in bottled water, tap water, surface water and water coming from underground.

How much plastic is accumulating in the body

According to this report, 21 grams of plastic enters the body in a month and 250 grams of plastic enters the stomach in a year. According to this, by the age of 79, about 20 kg of plastic accumulates in the body, which is equal to two large dustbins. This is causing dangerous diseases like cancer to surround the body.

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Harmful effects of using plastic items

By eating and drinking hot things in plastic cups and disposables, the chemicals and particles present in plastic can enter the body. Glass and arsenic are also used in plastic, which are poisonous and can give rise to many dangerous diseases.

What diseases are caused by plastic?

Leukemia, lymphoma

Brain cancer, breast cancer

Affects fertility

lungs can get damaged quickly

Brain damage

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How to use less plastic

1. Use jars or stainless steel instead of plastic containers in the kitchen.

2. Use silicone wraps or silver foil instead of plastic wraps.

3. Use wooden brushes and combs instead of plastic combs and brushes.

4. Always use cloth bags for shopping in the market.

5. Remove plastic rubbing items or scrubbers and bring in natural scrubbers.

6. Remove the plastic bag and put the garbage in the container.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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