health tips should women worry about breast cancer and heart disease know fact

health tips should women worry about breast cancer and heart disease know fact

Breast Cancer Myths Due to bad lifestyle and eating habits, the risk of cancer and heart disease is increasing rapidly these days. Their risk is increasing not only in the elderly but also in the youth. Both these diseases are fatal, so it is important to be aware to avoid them. If these diseases are identified on time, then they can also be treated. However, due to many misunderstandings nowadays, most people start ignoring their symptoms, which can increase problems later.

One such misconception is that women do not need to worry much about breast cancer and heart diseases. They are at less risk of these. Let’s know the answer to this…

Myth: Women who adopt a healthy lifestyle do not get breast cancer

Fact : Doctors say that there is nothing that can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Any woman can be at risk of breast cancer. One should be cautious about this and avoid smoking and fast foods.

Myth: Women should worry more about breast cancer

Fact : Breast cancer can happen not only to women but also to men. Women have a higher risk of breast cancer than men. 0.6% of all cancers combined can occur in men. This means that breast cancer is quite rare in men. In such a situation, it is correct to say that women have a higher risk of breast cancer.

Myth: Women should not worry about heart disease

Fact : According to health experts, heart disease can happen to either men or women. Its symptoms can be different in both, but both need to be alert. It is also true that women up to 40 years of age have a low risk of heart attack, but as soon as their menopause begins, their risk of heart attack or heart disease increases. Since women stay at home, they are more at risk of heart attack than men.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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