health tips side effects of drinking water while standing standing water drinking disadvantages in hindi

health tips side effects of drinking water while standing standing water drinking disadvantages in hindi

Drinking Water Mistake: Our body cannot live without water. It is also advised to drink 7-8 glasses of water every day. Water is needed more in the summer season. In this season, one feels thirsty at some time. If water is drunk in the right way, then it has many benefits but if the method is wrong then it can also cause harm (Drinking Water While Standing Disadvantages). Experts forbid drinking water while standing, because it can cause 5 serious problems, so if you also drink water while standing, then immediately give up this habit and know its 5 disadvantages…

5 serious disadvantages of drinking water while standing

1. Thirst not quenched
Health experts say that one should never drink water while standing. By doing this, thirst is not quenched and one feels like drinking water again and again. Therefore, whenever you drink water, drink it while sitting.

2. Digestive system may deteriorate
Water helps in keeping the digestive system healthy but if the way of drinking it is not right then the digestive system can get affected. Actually, when we drink water while standing, it goes down quickly and can harm the digestive system after reaching the lower part of the stomach.

3. Kidney disease
Drinking water while standing affects the overall health. Health experts also link it to the kidneys, they say that if you drink water while standing, it can affect the health of the kidneys, so one should sit comfortably and drink water slowly.

4. Joint problems
Health experts say that drinking water while standing can damage the joints. This can cause arthritis. Drinking water while standing causes tension in the nerves and can disturb the fluid balance in the body, which can cause joint pain.

5. Lung problems
If you are facing any problem related to lungs, do not drink water while standing even by mistake. When you drink water while standing, the oxygen level gets affected, which has a negative effect on the lungs as well as the heart.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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