health tips side effects of eating too much sugar increase risk cancer diabetes obesity

health tips side effects of eating too much sugar increase risk cancer diabetes obesity

Side Effects of Sugar : Do you also love sweets? If yes, then you probably don’t know that sugar is the real enemy of your health. Eating too much sugar increases the risk of many deadly diseases. Sugar acts like a silent killer. Its excess intake in the body can cause deadly diseases like weight gain, depression, heart disease, bad skin, diabetes, cancer, weak memory, kidney disease, liver disease, cavities and lack of energy.

Regarding the side effects of sugar, the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) and ICMR have for the first time recommended fixing the amount of sugar in soft drinks, juices, cookies, ice cream, cereals, packaged foods and drinks.

How dangerous is eating sugar?
ICMR has made changes in the instructions related to food and drinks after 13 years. Now the responsibility of checking sugar products sold in the market has come under FSSAI and other food regulatory bodies. All the agencies have expressed concern over the dangers of sugar. Its excessive consumption can lead to obesity, diabetes and even cancer. According to Harvard Health, eating too much sugar can also cause problems like heart disease and blood pressure. It can even increase chronic inflammation.

Too much sugar in kids’ food
Not only Indian but also foreign companies make products for children’s food. Sugar is found in them in large quantities. Many reports have come regarding this but till now companies do not follow it seriously. Most branded foods and drinks need to make changes in their formulations.

Affects muscle proteins
Excessive sugar intake can lead to an increase in glucose 6-phosphate (G6P), which is primarily responsible for changes in heart muscle proteins, and may lead to heart failure.

How much sugar should you eat every day
The American Heart Association advises that men should not consume more than 150 calories or about 36 grams of sugar in a day, while for women this amount is 100 calories or about 24 grams. More sugar than this can be harmful.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

More than 4 crore women are victims of this serious disease, most are unaware of its danger, know its symptoms

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