health tips side effects of plastic water bottle after expiry date in hindi

health tips side effects of plastic water bottle after expiry date in hindi

Expired Water Bottle Side Effects : If you also drink water in a plastic bottle, then be careful. Because, using an expired water bottle is extremely dangerous. It can cause many diseases. A report by Live Science states that water never gets spoiled in its original form.

The reason for not drinking water after the expiry date is the plastic of the sealed bottle. Actually, after a while, the plastic starts dissolving in water, which can cause many diseases. Therefore, one should never buy a sealed bottle after the expiry date.

What will happen if you drink expired water?
According to experts, if you accidentally drink water from an expired plastic bottle, the toxins enter the body and mix with the blood. Which can have a negative effect on all the organs. Like poison, it slowly starts damaging the body parts. Doing this once or twice does not harm the body much, but if you do this continuously, you may have to face many problems.

Side effects of expired water bottles
Damage to immunity
Bad effect on kidney health
Increased liver problems
increased blood pressure
Nervous system malfunction

When does water in plastic bottles expire?
Plastic releases bisphenol A (BPA) and many other chemicals, which can dissolve in water and make it poisonous. According to experts, the expiry date written on a bottle is about two years from the manufacturing date. After this, the water is not usable.

In how many days does tank and RO water get spoiled
Tap water comes to all our homes. We store it in a tank, water purifier, pot, steel vessel or bucket. A research by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) has found that this water does not spoil for about 6 months and can be used.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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