Kidney Stone Symptoms : Kidney stone problem is becoming very common. According to a report by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, more than 12% of people in India are struggling with stones. In the last few years, cases of kidney stone have increased rapidly. Actually, many minerals like calcium, sodium, oxalate are present in our blood. Uric acid is also found in it.
When the kidney filters them out with urin, it requires fluid or water. When there is a lack of water, all these substances stick together. These are the stones. There are some signs in the body when stones are formed, which can be dangerous to ignore. Let’s know what are the symptoms of stones …
1. Fast pain in the waist and lower abdomen
The most common symptom of stones is a sudden severe pain in the back, waist or lower abdomen. This pain feels more on one side and can sometimes be unbearable. If this happens, the doctor should be contacted immediately.
2. Pain and irritation while urinating
If you are having burning or pain during urination, it may indicate that the kidney stone has come into the urinary tract. Sometimes the urine comes intermittent or not fully.
3. Changing the color of urination
If the color of urine looks yellow, brown or pink, it can be a sign of blood leakage. This happens when the stone starts damaging the urinary tract.
4. Frequent urination, nausea and vomiting
If you are having more frequent urination than normal, but the quantity is very low, then it can also be a sign of kidney stone. Nausea or vomiting may occur when there is a stone, as it puts pressure on the stomach and kidney.
5. Cold and fever
If you are feeling fever and cold with stones, it may be a sign of infection. Apart from this, if there is a lot of severe pain, blood in urine, high fever or urination, then contact the urologist without delay.
The main cause of kidney stone
Drinking less water
High salt and protein diet
Stop urine frequently
Obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and urinary tract infection
Stone prevention measures
1. Drinking 3-4 liters of water daily keeps the body hydrated and reduces the risk of kidney stone.
2. Reduce the intake of more salt, sugar and soda drinks.
3. Drink lemon and coconut water.
4. Do not eat more oxalated things. Eat less spinach, tea, chocolate, coffee and nuts.
5. Giloy, basil juice, celery and coriander water can help detox the kidney.
6. If the pain is more or if blood is visible in the urine, contact the doctor immediately.
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