health tips sugar intake per day disadvantages of eating sugar in hindi

health tips sugar intake per day disadvantages of eating sugar in hindi

Sugar Intake Per Day: Sugar comes in unhealthy foods. Consuming it in excess can cause serious problems like diabetes, obesity, heavy weight etc. Overall, sugar is the enemy of both health and fitness. Often people discuss many things about the disadvantages of eating sugar and sweets. Health experts also recommend eating less sugar, but do you know how much sugar should be consumed in a day? If not then know here…

disadvantages of eating sugar

According to experts, sugar does not increase weight directly, it works to increase weight indirectly. A research has found that eating too much sugar increases calorie intake. Sugar is also taken in the form of tea, sweets, biscuits, cookies. More than this, sugar is indirectly reaching the body through processed food, which increases weight. According to a research conducted in America, sugar intake of people has increased in recent times, the main reason for which is considered to be processed food. The biggest concern is that most people are unaware of this. According to a research published in the journal Nutrients, the sugar found in processed food increases the calories drastically.

Should one give up sweets completely?

Research conducted around the world has proved that sugar does not naturally increase obesity. Meaning, you can remain fit even by eating sweets. However, for this the calorie intake will have to be reduced. In a research, some participants were given high sugar foods for 6 weeks and their calories were also kept under control. It was found that despite eating sugar, there was no effect on their weight. Research has found that liquid sugar sauce, despite its high sugar content, can be helpful in reducing weight, because it reduces overall calorie intake.

How much sugar should you eat per day?

Sugar does not directly increase weight, but this does not mean that you should eat it arbitrarily. Its consumption should be reduced. Experts say that you can get 5 percent of your daily calories from sugary drinks or foods. Meaning, only about 30 grams of sugar should be taken throughout the day. Children should take 19 to 24 grams of sugar per day depending on their age.

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