Health tips: Talcum powder may cause cancer; know what experts say

Talcum Powder May Cause CancerTo protect children from heat and sweat, most mothers apply a lot of talcum powder on them after bathing. By doing this, children feel fresh, but research has revealed that cosmetic products like talcum powder can increase the risk of cancer.

Actually, an element called asbestos is found in it, which increases diseases related to cancer and can be harmful for children. So let us tell you today what the experts have to say and how this talcum powder can be harmful for your children.

These toxic substances are found in talcum powder
Talcum powder contains an element called talc, which is a mineral that is mined from the earth. It is useful in absorbing moisture and reducing friction, so cosmetic companies use it to make baby powder, eyeshadow and other things.

Similarly, asbestos is also found in talcum powder, which is extracted from the earth just like talc. If this asbestos enters the body through breathing, it can increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, doctors advise to avoid using such cosmetic products.

Talcum powder may contain carcinogenic elements
While doing research on cancer, the World Health Organization has included talcum powder in the list of carcinogenic substances. Experts believe that some particles of talc can increase the risk of ovarian cancer. Apart from this, if children inhale talcum powder particles inside the body, then it can lead to the risk of lung and respiratory cancer.

Experts also say that the link between talcum powder and cancer is not 100% clear, but it is advisable to stay away from it. If you want to apply talcum powder to children, then use non-cosmetic powder on the advice of a doctor.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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