health tips using smartphone at midnight increases risk of type 2 diabetes study

health tips using smartphone at midnight increases risk of type 2 diabetes study

Smartphone Risk: If you have a habit of using your smartphone at midnight, change it immediately, otherwise you are bound to get diabetes. This has been claimed in a study. It has been told that light at night disturbs sleep. Due to which the risk of diabetes increases.

This study states that any kind of artificial light falling on the eyes at night can be dangerous. The risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes is very high from midnight to 6 am. Let’s know what has been said in this study…

Do not use your phone at midnight
Researchers at Monash University in Australia monitored 85,000 people aged between 40 and 69 for 9 years. They kept track of their exposure through a device worn on their wrist. It was found that exposure to light at night has a strong connection with type 2 diabetes. The 10 percent of people who were exposed to light at night had a 67 percent higher risk of developing diabetes than those who had the least amount of the disease.

Sleep time affects overall health. Nowadays, people are developing a habit of using their phones at night, the light of which falls on their eyes and thus their sleep gets affected and the risk of incurable diseases like diabetes increases.

Smartphone’s blue lights are dangerous
This study said that any kind of light affects sleep, which can cause problems related to metabolism. This can happen due to blue light emitted from smartphones and TVs. Yellow light emitted from reading lamps can also affect it. This study said that by avoiding light at night, type 2 diabetes can be avoided to a great extent.

What to do to avoid smartphone lights
Research has stated that more studies are needed to confirm this, but it shows that spending more time in front of the screen at night can affect blood sugar. Overall health can be affected. In such a situation, avoid this and save yourself from diseases.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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