Health Tips What Is Pcos Know Its Treatment Home Remedies In Hindi

Health Tips What Is Pcos Know Its Treatment Home Remedies In Hindi

PCOS Naturally Treatment: PCOS is becoming a serious problem for women today. Today about 10 percent of women in the world are suffering from PCOS. Due to this, there can be problems like disturbance in period cycle, inability to conceive due to not ovulating properly, problem of acne or hair on the face, weight gain etc. Women suffering from PCOS also have a higher risk of diabetes. The main cause of PCOS is considered to be bad lifestyle. In such a situation, PCOS can be avoided by making 5 small changes in lifestyle. Let us know…

1. Avoid taking stress

Stress is considered to be the biggest reason for irregular periods. Due to work pressure and many problems in personal life, one gets mentally challenged. In such a situation, there is pressure on mental health, which can make periods uncontrolled.

2. Keep your diet right

Women suffering from PCOS can control this disease through their diet. According to the doctor, the whole food is safe from artificial sugar and does not contain preservatives. In such a situation, you can include things like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, pulses, nuts and seeds in your diet. This maintains the insulin label and keeps PCOS managed. Along with this, reduce carbohydrates in food. Stay away from refined carbs like sugar, white bread, white rice, because these cause many problems.

3. Consumption of anti-inflammatory foods

PCOS is considered an inflammatory condition, which can be controlled through diet. Like- problem of acne and weight gain. In such a situation, include things like tomatoes, leafy vegetables, fatty fish like mackerel and tuna, tree nuts, olive oil in your diet. At the same time, one should also stay away from processed foods and sugary drinks.

4. Do physical activities

To manage PCOS, along with eating healthy, it is also very important to remain physically fit. The doctor says that at least 150 minutes of exercise a week helps in controlling stress. Due to this the weight also remains balanced. Exercise helps in burning calories and controlling insulin.

5. Vitamin D

Women suffering from PCOS usually suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, which can cause insulin resistance and weight gain. Taking adequate sunlight and consuming foods rich in Vitamin D cures Vitamin D deficiency and improves fertility. Along with this, the problems of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke can be reduced.

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