health tips who report risk of deafness due to using headphones at high volume know prevention

health tips who report risk of deafness due to using headphones at high volume know prevention

Headphones Side Effects : Most of us use headphones or earphones to listen to songs or talk on the phone, which is very dangerous. Using them for a long time is not only damaging the ears but also reducing the hearing ability. With the changing lifestyle, people have become very dependent on headphones, earphones and earbuds. Whether it is while driving or working at home, people keep earphones in their ears for a long time, which is directly affecting their health. In the coming time, this hobby of yours can make you deaf.

A shocking revelation has been made in a report of the World Health Organization. WHO’s Make Listening Safe Guidelines have estimated that by 2050, more than 1 billion youth in the world may become deaf. Their age will be between 12 to 35 years. Headphones and earphones are responsible for this.

Why are headphones and earphones dangerous?

In this guideline, it has been told that currently about 50 crore people between 12 to 35 years of age are suffering from deafness due to various reasons. Out of these, 25% are those who continuously listen to something on earphones, earbuds, headphones at high volume. Whereas about 50% of the people are exposed to loud music, clubs, discotheques, cinema, fitness classes, bars or any other loud sound for a long time. This means that the hobby of listening to loud music or excessive use of earphones can make one deaf.

What is the safe volume of headphones?

According to experts, the volume level in personal devices ranges from 75 decibels to 136 decibels. Its level may also be different in different countries. Users should keep the volume of these devices between 75 db to 105 db only. Its use should also be limited. According to experts, the safest volume for ears is 20 to 30 decibels. Sound higher than this damages the sensory cells of the ears.

can deafness be cured

According to doctors, deafness caused by the use of devices like headphones and earphones is never cured. In fact, due to continuous and prolonged exposure to loud sound, high frequency nerves get damaged, which is not reversible. Its treatment is not possible. These nerves never recover. The only way to avoid this is to use these devices carefully.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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