Health Tips Why Vegans Consider Milk Non Veg Dudh Ko Non Veg Kyon Mante Hain Vegan Log

Health Tips Why Vegans Consider Milk Non Veg Dudh Ko Non Veg Kyon Mante Hain Vegan Log

Milk Veg or non veg : In the recent past, the trend of Vegan diet has increased rapidly worldwide. A large number of people in India also follow this diet. It is also ahead of the vegetarian diet. Not only meat or eggs, all kinds of dairy products like milk, curd, ghee, mawa, cheese are also not eaten. Even many people do not consume honey. It only contains things like grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes and dry fruits. But the question arises as to why the milk consider milk as non -veg. Let’s know the reasons behind this …

What are the things in Vegan diet

People who follow Vegan Diet do not use anything that threatens the environment or animals. Vegan does not eat meat or sea things in diet. Even milk and curd are considered non -veg.

Animal products are not eaten in the Vegan Diet Plan, including milk, ghee, butter, sweets made of honey, curd. Vegan diet is eaten only and only the things from trees and plants. This includes fruits, vegetables, hool grains, lentils. Emphasis is given on eating raw foods in this diet.

Why do weagons consider milk to be non -veg

1. Animal exploitation in dairy industry

Vegan people believe that animals are exploited to extract milk. Cows and buffaloes are repeatedly pregnant in artificial way so that they continue to give milk. Their newborn calves are often separated immediately after birth, due to which they do not get their mother’s milk. This causes mental and physical pain to animals.

2. Dairy Industry and Slaughterhouse Relations

3. Negative effect on environment

Milk production also has a profound effect on the environment. Large -scale dairy farming emit greenhouse gases, which promotes climate change. Methane gas emanating from cows is quite harmful for global warming. Apart from this, a large amount of water and fodder are required for milk production, which leads to more use of natural resources.

4. Health is also a reason

According to many research, excessive intake of dairy products can also have negative effects on health. Some people have a problem of lactose introduction, which makes it difficult to digest milk. Apart from this, dairy products have also been linked to heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. For this reason, many people adopt Vegan diet to do more healthy.

5. A sense of compassion

Vegan people believe that all living beings have the right to live life without freedom and any pain. Animals are kept in captivity for milk production, forced to extract milk and in the end are sent to slaughterhouses. This is inhuman. Therefore, they do not consume milk and products made from it.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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