Helper job at Momo shop, salary is so high, people came ready with CV, said – ‘Call us’

Generally people try to get a good job after completing their studies. In any organization, one does not get that much money at the beginning of the job, but everyone expects that at least the salary should be so much that they can be proud of being educated. If they get the same salary as the uneducated workforce, it will indeed be a shock for them.

Everyone wants a good job, but currently an advertisement for such a job is going viral, in which so much package is being given for a job at a momos shop that the viewers are surprised. This advertisement is for a job at Momo Shop, in which a helper is being offered the same salary as he gets in a normal job.

job offer at momo shop
In the post going viral, you can see that a local Momo Shop Jobs requires helpers and artisans. You might be wondering what is so special about it that someone would be surprised? In fact, the salary claimed for this post in the advertisement is shocking. The salary of help and artisan has been kept at Rs 25,000, although it is not made clear whether this is a monthly or yearly amount.

People said- Call us!
This post has been shared on social media platform X by a user named Amrita Singh. The caption given is – This local Momo shop is offering better packages than the average college in India these days. People have made interesting comments on this. One user said – Call us, while another user said – This is the initial package in engineering.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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