Here Are Some Of The More Common Signs And Symptoms That May Be Caused By Cancer

Cancer Symptoms: Cancer is such a disease which silently enters the body and without digesting you, it makes your body hollow inside. But one more thing is said about this disease, that as soon as this disease enters the body, its initial symptoms are very minor, which people often do not pay attention to. Because of which it takes a more serious form with time. For your information, let us tell you that in cancer, the cells inside the body start growing rapidly. After which if there is a delay in treatment then death can also happen. Today in this article, we will talk about some such people who have fought with a serious disease like cancer and are living their normal life today.

in the words of a cancer survivor

Cancer survivor Paul Lewis Bowles tells that he had cancer fourth stage diagnosis. There were very mild initial symptoms of cancer. For example, there is blood in the stool, extreme tiredness and a slight disturbance in the stomach. These initial symptoms can sometimes be wave-like. Paul tells that after the diagnosis of the disease, its symptoms come like a wave in the body. On this, Paul Lewis says that the symptoms of cancer can be wave-like and can sometimes stop for a time. Sometimes these symptoms keep changing according to time.

second cancer survivor melissa niv

Cancer survivor Melissa Niv told that when she was diagnosed with third stage cancer. By then the cancer had spread to her cervix, ovary, ovary, lymph nodes and lymph vascular system. During this, his weight had increased a lot. Melissa wrote in her post that she was suddenly gaining a lot of weight. Bleeding was also increasing too much, they felt that they were bleeding so much during periods due to tension.

cancer survivor clemencia narzo

Sharing her cancer experience, Clemencia Narjo told that when she had fourth stage cancer, but the most surprising thing is that there were no symptoms of cancer on her body. She always felt better. However, a week before the diagnosis of cancer, there was a dry cough. After that, while exercising, there was a feeling of tiredness in breathing.

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