Here in Greater Noida, you get a full meal for just 5 rupees, the taste is amazing, hundreds of people come to eat

Here in Greater Noida, you get a full meal for just 5 rupees, the taste is amazing, hundreds of people come to eat

Dhirendra Kumar Shukla/Greater Noida:
If you are also working in Greater Noida and your daily income is less than your expenses. You have to think many times about food, then you will be very happy to know about a place in Greater Noida. Because here a full meal is served for just 5 rupees. Food lovers come to Greater Noida from far and wide and eat a full meal by paying only 5 rupees at the Janta Thali Pandal in Greater Noida West. Here Rajma rice, Kadhi rice, Dal and Roti are served for just 5 rupees.

Janata ki thali is set up in Greater Noida West

Every Sunday, a pandal of Janta Ki Thali is set up at a Murti Chowk in Greater Noida West. People come from far and wide to eat a full meal for just Rs 5. Along with people working in companies, rickshaw pullers, auto drivers and people roaming on the streets, children studying here also come here and taste Janta Ki Thali.

This kitchen has been running for 6 years

The team members serving Janta ki Thali said that for the last 6 years, we have been constantly trying to ensure that no poor person stays hungry. No one sleeps hungry. For this, we have fixed one day in a week. On that day, we prepare different dishes and feed people. In return, only 5 rupees are charged.

Deepankar Jain, a resident of Greater Noida, said that we have been organizing Janta Ki Thali for the last 6 years and every time the quality of food is different. The food material is different. The food is different. So that people can eat well according to their taste. Good artisans have been hired to prepare the food. Whatever cost is incurred in this, 10% of it is recovered from the customers. But our aim is that no poor person should sleep hungry and one day a week we feed him food for just 5 rupees.

After eating a full meal at Janta Ki Thali for just Rs 5, Ravi said that I come here every Sunday and eat a full meal for just Rs 5. Because the taste here is very good. It is tasty and every Sunday different dishes are served here. That is why we come here from far away and eat a full meal by paying just Rs 5.

Tags: Food, Food 18, hindi news, Local18

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