Hesawi hassawi red rice most expensive rice in the world most costliest rice than basmati rice

Hesawi hassawi red rice most expensive rice in the world most costliest rice than basmati rice

Till now you would think that the world glows only with the fragrance of Basmati rice produced in India, but it is not so. A special type of rice is produced in one of the most desert countries of the world, which is the most expensive in the world. The rich of the world eat it very fondly. It has many beneficial elements which makes it the most special rice in the world. With extreme heat, a lot of water is required for its production. But, India and probably all major rice producing countries of the world are not conducive for its production. You must be getting confused for a minute as to where this rice is produced. It is not easy to guess this. Because no one can even imagine that its crop is prepared in the desert soil during the scorching heat.

The name of this special type of rice is Hassawai Rice. For its yield, heat up to 48 degree Celsius is required. Along with this, its roots should remain submerged in water for the entire duration of the crop. Now let us tell you where this variety of rice is cultivated. Actually, it is produced in Saudi Arabia. This is the favorite food of the rich Sheikh people of Arabia. It is grown in a special part of Saudi Arabia. For this, special arrangements have been made for irrigation. Its crop needs water at least five days a week and heat up to 48 degree Celsius.

A lot of labor and care is needed to grow this crop. The way of preparing its crop is similar to the cultivation of paddy done in India. First the seedlings of this rice seed are prepared. Then it is sown in watered field. You must be thinking that the entire area of ​​Saudi Arabia is a desert. There is a famine of water, so how is rice cultivated there. It is planted during the hot summer and its crop is harvested in November-December. The color of this rice is red and it is also called red rice. This is one of the tastiest rice in the world. Arab people use it to make Biryani.

hasavi rice price
According to the report, the price of high quality Hasawi rice is 50 Saudi Riyals per kg. If it is seen in Indian rupees then it costs 1000 to 1100 rupees per kg. By the way, Hasavi rice of average quality is sold for 30 to 40 riyals per kg. Means 600 to 800 rupees per kg. Overall, in the price of one kg of this rice, an average Indian’s full ration for one month can come. The price of best quality basmati rice in India is around Rs 150 per kg. By the way, there are many varieties of basmati and it starts from 60-70 rupees per kg.

Beneficial ingredients of Hasavi rice
According to the website researchgate.net, Hasavi rice is a red brown rice of the Indica variety. Traditionally, it is eaten by the people of the Al-Ahsa Oasis in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The website has compared the beneficial elements of this rice with Basmati rice. It has been claimed that this rice has higher phenolic and flavonoid content than Basmati rice. Along with this, it also has more antioxidant activity than Basmati. The amount of water-soluble vitamins and zinc in it is also more as compared to Basmati. In such a situation, it can be said that if it is included in human food then it will be very beneficial. With this, along with getting nutrients in abundance, a person will also get a good amount of fiber. Overall, your fitness will be maintained by this. By consuming it, you will feel energetic even in old age.

Tags: Ajab ajab news, Ajab Gajab news

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