Hiroshima Day 2024 history significance and impact of nuclear attack facts

Hiroshima Day 2024 history significance and impact of nuclear attack facts

Hiroshima Day 2024: every year 6 Hiroshima Day is observed on August, The whole world still remembers this incident that happened during the Second World War, When the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, After this, the scene that happened in Hiroshima has not disappeared from anyone’s eyes even today., People get goosebumps after seeing the pictures of this nuclear attack,

What was the scene of Hiroshima after the nuclear attack,

on this day i.e. 6 august1945 The US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan on, which exploded in the city center, After this Hiroshima was completely destroyed, of the hypocenter 1.2 The area within a mile was completely leveled or burned, People have been dying here all year long, Due to this attack, December [1945almost to the end of 140,000 People were killed, At that time the scene was such that there were piles of dead bodies all around in Hiroshima, The bodies of many people were torn into so many pieces that they could not even be counted., The force of the atomic bomb explosion threw some people several yards away, The buildings were completely razed to the ground, As if nothing was there before, causing the people living in them to be crushed, The bodies of the people were not even traced, It was as if a storm had come that took away people and buildings with it,

people were badly burnt

People who went to Hiroshima at that time said that when they went there and saw their companions, they were all badly burnt, His clothes were completely torn, They seemed like monsters to them, Even those who went to Hiroshima a few days after the atomic bomb attack in search of their loved ones developed many diseases in their bodies., His skin started peeling off and he became very,hospitalized for several days,

Results seen for decades

The radiation emitted from the atomic bomb was very harmful to the human body, Due to which harmful radioactive substances remained present there for centuries even after the atomic bomb attack, Hence, for decades, people had to struggle with serious diseases ranging from skin to body, People vomiting for a long time, Diarrhea, Hair, fall, Suffered from skin disorders and major diseases, Even today the soul of the people of Japan trembles remembering this day,

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